Time Tracking Pro for Mac

If you need to track the time it takes to complete a task, this is the right app.

Time Tracking Pro for Mac is an indispensable app for anyone who needs to keep track of the time taken to complete each type of task. Time Tracking Pro for Mac tracks your work time and helps you take the right breaks. Time Tracking Pro is the perfect tool for modern work environments. Today’s way of work requires concentration but also flexibility to carry out the various tasks in the most productive way possible. And this is exactly what Time Tracking Pro for Mac was made for. Download the demo and try now the new way to manage and track the work time on the Mac!

Always ready on the menu bar

You don’t need to leave the app you’re using to work to use Time Tracking Pro features.

One of the nice things about Time Tracking Pro for Mac is that you can use the work time tracking functions even without leaving the apps you are using, in fact you will find a convenient icon of it in the menu bar. By clicking on the icon you will find the main functions of the app to start and stop the various tasks you are engaged in and to manage the various work sessions and break times with simple clicks. And if you want all the other features, just double click on the menu window and the main app window will open in the foreground. Also, in the menu bar, next to the icon of Time Tracking Pro for Mac, you will find the remaining time, updated in real time, of the session you are working on. Finally, a convenient audible and visual notification will grab your attention when a session’s time is up.

Ease of Use

Animations and graphic representations will accompany you and suggest you how to use innovative functions.

In addition to the precision of the recording of work time, one of the most accurate aspects of the application is the graphical interface and user interaction. Animations and graphic representations will accompany you and suggest you how to use innovative functions. For example, to change the work time of the various sessions, just select the session represented as a slice of time and drag the handle that will appear. Simple, intuitive and immediate. Everything in Time Tracking Pro for Mac is designed to simplify your working life and your relaxation time. An optional feature that many will love is the ability to turn on break suggestions. Suggestions that can help you to pull the plug physically and mentally more effectively than switch working on an app to watch the news on Safari. For example one of the suggestions, could be to use the break to get up, go outside and look for a flower. In addition to the alternation between work and break sessions, with Time Tracking Pro for Mac you can also set the rest time if you wish: after a certain number of work sessions interspersed with break sessions, you will be advised to stop any activity and just take a rest.

Increase concentration and productivity

Switch from one task to another while maintaining the right work and break times as efficiently as possible.

With Time Tracking Pro for Mac you can track the work times of each of your work task separately. You can easily switch from one task to another while maintaining the right work and break times. Time Tracking Pro for Mac also helps you manage break times as efficiently as possible. In fact, it has been shown that concentration and productivity during work are increased if the right break times are respected. Apimac designed this application after studying modern work environments where concentration and flexibility are required. The Interface of Time Tracking Pro for Mac is designed to respect optimum work time and flexibility in the various tasks performed. When you have reached a goal, you can start a refreshing break with a simple click, even if the break time has not yet arrived. Likewise, if you understand that the right time has come to start working again, you can interrupt a scheduled break to go back to work immediately. All your sessions will be tracked and recorded on a special log (locally registered on your Mac and accessible only to you) in which you will find all the partial and total times of your sessions visible at a glance graphically. Very practical filter tools can be applied to the view of the various sessions in order to immediately collect only the data you are looking for. It will be very easy to know how much time you have dedicated to a project or to a specific part of a project.

Manually edit the recorded times later

Unlike what happens with many other applications of this type, the duration of the various sessions can also be edited manually.

The duration data of the various sessions can be edited manually. In this way, you can correct any moments in which, for example, you had to work even during a break, or you had a break during a work session. Think for example of when it happened in the past when you receive a phone call from a customer during a coffee break, usually this was time you would have lost but now with Time Tracking Pro for Mac this will no longer be a problem, you can edit later in a simple and intuitive way, the work time. In the same way, if you stopped work to talk about the weekend with a colleague, you can later modify the time recorded by the app so as to manually reduce the time dedicated to work. No application offers you the possibility to track your break and work times with this flexibility and precision. And finally, once you have completed a task you can mark it as Completed and it will be very gratifying to see the completed tasks marked with a green Check mark icon in the list of tasks.

Easily share your work data

Easily share or export your work data, then import it into applications such as Numbers or Excel to obtain an attractive graphic representation or to process it in the way that is most congenial to you.

  • Export as CSV
    Get a file containing the sessions displayed in the list that can be easily opened with a spreadsheet like Numbers or Excel to create useful and fancy graphs and reports.
  • Export as XML
    Get a file containing the sessions displayed in the list that can be stored for backup or later reference and can be easily re-imported by the Time Tracking Pro app, even on another Mac.

Time Tracking Pro questions and answers

Why use Time Tracking Pro to keep track of the time taken to complete each type of task.

Why use an app to manage work times and breaks?
When we are working or we are dedicating ourselves to studying or other important activities, after a certain period of time, we lose concentration and start not being as productive as at the beginning, in essence it takes longer to obtain the same result. For this reason, everyone agrees that it is necessary to take breaks to resume the mental freshness that we had at the beginning. Surely you can try to impose breaks without using any tool but the problem with this approach is that often you run the risk of noticing too late that it is time to disconnect or it happens that you take a break, but this becomes longer than expected, making you lose productivity.

Why didn’t you create an app based on Pomodoro Technique?
A few years ago an Italian researcher, Francesco Cirillo, developed a technique (the Pomodoro Technique) that tried to solve concentration problems during work by dividing the time into sessions (usually 25 minutes) followed by short breaks that helped the mind to stay fresh and focused. Certainly this technique has helped in the past years many people to be more productive but it was developed in the late 80s (when there was the Commodore VIC-20, the Sinclair ZX80 and Tim Berners-Lee at the CERN physics laboratory was creating the World Wide Web). So perhaps it is more suitable for use for analog tasks (for example studying on a physical book) rather than today’s digital tasks. It is no coincidence that it is recommended to use a real clock timer instead of a digital one. We think that a rigid approach to manage working time may not be the best anymore for modern work tasks.

Why is Time Tracking Pro for Mac better?
After studying, with an approach derived from ethnography, the habits of contemporary Mac users, at Apimac we have created an app to manage working times more suitable for an interconnected digital world like the current one. We called it Time Tracking Pro. With Time Tracking Pro, we believe we have created the perfect tool for modern work environments. Today’s way of work requires concentration but also flexibility to carry out the various tasks in the most productive way possible. And this is exactly what Time Tracking Pro for Mac was made for. Download the demo and try now the new way to manage working time on the Mac!

Let’s see what are the differences between some of the main Mac apps that follow the Pomodoro Technique and Time Tracking Pro for Mac.
This comparison table compares some problematic features found in some apps based on the Pomodoro Technique and Time Tracking Pro. Not all apps are the same, therefore, to check the implementation of the individual features, check the dedicated pages of each app, or download the demos where available. A list of apps based on the Pomodoro Technique and the link to the dedicated pages is available below.

Pomodoro-based appTime Tracking for Mac
Duration of work sessions25 minutesChoose from 1 minute to 180 minutes
Because every modern project requires different times
Clarity of the interfaceA single timer to show both work times and break timesTwo different dedicated timers: one for work and one for breaks
Because in a complicated digital environment like the modern one, you must always understand at a glance which session you are in
Flexibility in recorded working timeFixed amount of work, what the app has recorded does not changeYou can change the total working time recorded by the app whenever you want
Because the time recorded by the app on the screen is not always the correct one, for example with a few clicks you can add the 10 minutes of a business call you made while you were on break
Ticking soundTickingNo sound distraction when working
Because there are already enough distractions in modern environments
Notification soundsSame sound to notify the end of different sessionsComplete customization of sounds at the beginning of work and break sessions or simple notification without sounds
Because noise is not always the best solution for everything
Changing sessionsYou have to wait for each session to finish completelySwitch with a simple click from one session to another
Because nowadays you don't always need to complete the whole session to feel that you need a break or are ready to resume work
Timer, sessions and sound customizationIn Preferences' tabsDirectly in the main screen
Because when you work you do not have time to go rambling around
Start of a new sessionAt each end of the session, user action is required to start the next sessionSessions can start automatically
Because in modern environments, automation is sometimes the most suitable strategy
Understanding of how long you've workedCount the work sessions dotsJust look at the total worked time box that it shows you the hours and minutes of work
Because in many cases you quickly need to know exactly how much time you have spent on a project

Many reasons to use Time Tracking Pro for Mac

Aesthetically beautiful but powerful in functionality.

  • Professional and complete time tracking tool for Mac.
  • Easy-to-use and intuitive interface.
  • Animations and graphic representations will accompany you and suggest you how to use innovative functions.
  • Tracks your work time and helps you take the right breaks.
  • Perfect tool for modern work environments.
  • The main functions of the app are available also in the computer’s menu bar.
  • Helps you to take the right refreshing breaks increasing concentration and productivity.
  • Tracks the work times of each of your work task separately.
  • The duration of the various sessions can also be edited manually later.
  • Easily share or export your work data.